Thursday, December 31, 2015


We will be beginning the new year of 2016 with a beautiful story which is being told in the skies this New Year.... a story of wonder and a story of completion involving the cosmic luminaries Sirius, the Comet Catalina and the star Arcturus. They are helping to awaken humanity and all those who respond to the Cathar prophecy of the 'Return of the Pure Ones' and the restitution of the Church of Love. They are calling out to the WayShowers. They are showing us the Way Home.

With our Great Central Sun Sirius directly overhead at approximately midnight January 1, 2016, we have an immensity of Divine Light pouring down on us which with to work in calling forth our New Earth Timeline intentions. Through the wisdom teachings of Mary Magdalene and the Christed One, both of Sirian lineage, in 2016 we will walk upon the pathway of restoring our Divine blueprint, as it was created by Mother/Father God in the Pleroma, the gnostic term for the Galactic Core and the birthplace of the 12 stranded human genome, the Anthropos.

Rudolph Steiner regarded comets as representatives of the Divine Feminine principle in the cosmos. The Divine Feminine, following the natural laws of the Universe, is now giving birth to the New Earth. She is represented by the Divine Mother, who was among others, the Virgin Mary in her Earthly incarnation. We are all her midwives, birthing the seed of Christ consciousness within ourselves so that it can be made manifest on Earth. In this way, completion of the Cathar's central creed, the Duality of Spirit and Matter is now being merged into unity, as we infuse Spirit into Matter on earth and build the Chrystalline grid.

As Sirius is directly overhead, Comet Catalina will be closest to the great orange star Arcturus. Located in the constellation Of Virgo,

“Arcturus is known esoterically as the herder of the Divine Will emanating from the seven stars of the Big Dipper and acts as a bridge between these and Virgo the Virgin, nourisher of the Christ consciousness within the form. "

Continuing onwards with the story of Cosmic Providence, after gathering the stellar energies of Arcturus, the next best view of Catalina on Earth will be January 17th, 2016, when it will be close to the star Mizar in the Big Dipper. The Seven Stars of the Big Dipper are the custodians of the Seven Rays of Divine Will.

“Filled with Divine Will, Arcturus, as the bridge between the seven main stars of the Great Bear and Virgo the Virgin, stimulates great evolutionary changes to all in its influence. Close by Virgo is then the Holy Grail that receives the Will of God.”

As the new calendar year of 2016 begins, we are being cosmically guided in a profound way, by Sirius, Comet Catalina, Arcturus and the Big Dipper to fulfill our Divine Purpose of creating Heaven on Earth at this profound moment in Time.

And so we begin our activities, by first giving thanks and gratitude, to the Cosmic Forces and Beings, the Divine Shepherds, as they illuminate our way back home.

If possible to do so at approximately midnight your local time, please spend a few moments to connect with our Group Light. Surround yourself with a forcefield of protection and begin the meditation.


After completing the circumpolar meditation, and visualizing yourself connected within a rainbow bridge to the heart of Gaia, please invoke your chosen New Earth Timeline.

If you are new to the event, you can use your own organic timeline, or feel free to use this one:



I intend a world where:

Universal Law is the only Law, with Love as it's presiding principle and energy.

The Planetary Body, Gaia~Sophia, is Free to evolve along Her chosen multi-dimensional timeline, in accordance with Universal Law.

Interplanetary and interdimensional travel and exchange is freely & safely available to all, as the Earth and her inhabitants ascend into Galactic Citizenry.

Contact, communication and communion with exiled Space and Soul family, Ascended Masters, Angelic Beings, and Benevolent Higher Dimensional Beings is freely and widely available to all, as they choose.

The Land has been restored to it's Divine Blueprint of Beauty, Abundance & Balance, with pristine bodies of water, healthy, fertile soil and pure air. Fire remains in it's uncorrupted natural state.

All forces of Nature operate according to Natural Law & Equilibrium and the principle of Ahimsa, “Do No Harm”.

All living inhabitants and inanimate consciousnesses are Free, Sovereign, Self-governing entities and actively co-creating their Highest Destiny, in accordance with their Divine Blueprint, Divine Purpose and Highest Potential.

Harmony between all species is restored and respect and cooperation exists between all kingdoms and races: human, animal, plant and mineral as well as the Angelic and Devic kingdoms.

Peace reigns across the Land with open borders which allow the ability to travel safely and freely, at will and/or according to pleasure.

All inhabitants are free to participate in cooperative interchanges between cultures, tribes, races, groups and individuals.

Each being is centered in their Heart, connected to the One, the Goddess, their I AM Presence and all living beings.

All personal will has been transmuted to Divine Will.

All minds are Inspired and Illumined by their Higher Mind, the I AM Presence and Divine Will.

All imperfections and illusions have been transmuted to Divine Will Expressions.

All physical, emotional, and mental and spiritual suffering has been healed and transformed into Compassionate Wisdom.

Christ Consciousness is manifest within the Hearts and Minds of all planetary beings.
Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine principles have been restored, unified, united and harmonized in balance.

The principles of Purity, Beauty, Harmony, Balance, Gratitude, Humility and Compassion are manifest in all beings and forms.

All Wisdom of the Universe, including Planetary and Galactic History is freely available to all who wish to access it, through the Akashic Records or other instruments.

All DNA strands have been activated to their fullest potential with Grace, Harmony and Wisdom and Ease.

All Beings have full recollection and memory of past, future and multidimensional lifetimes, as they choose.

All Beings are free to celebrate their Divinity through their chosen medium.

All Beings are Divinely guided and mentored, as they choose.

There is an open and allowing acceptance of all belief systems.

All Beings are Free to pursue their Heart's Desire, with every abundance available in the Universe.

All creations of form have been impulsed and intended from the Higher Dimensional Planes and manifest in Love for the Highest Good of All.

All Art, Music and Science reflect the sacred geometric principles of creation, in harmony with Natural Law.

All technology exists for the purpose of, and in alignment with the elevation of consciousness of all Beings.

An abundant supply of pure nourishing food & water exists and is available to all inhabitants.

Sexuality has been restored to it's sacred form and function, as well as it's healthy expression between consensual loving beings.

An egalitarian societal & cultural structure exists which includes all races, genders & ages. 


We now begin our New Year's Event activities …


If you feel guided, invoke the Presence of Mary Magdalene and the Christed One to act as guides, protectors and mentors on your journey.

Visualize the Star of Sirius overhead in the night's sky, heralding a new year, a new frequency and a new reality.

Send a beam of golden pink light from your heart to meet the Star.

Follow this beam with your Light Body until you find yourself embraced by the nourishing glow of our Great Central Sun.

Feel this golden rose beam of light, connecting with the energies of the Christed Sirian Masters, who hold the template for our ascension and our Christ Consciousness.

See them igniting a spark of brilliant light which transfers to your light body the perfect frequencies to activate your DNA strands to their full capacity.

See this beam then, reaching your pineal gland, as it forms a golden violet triangle.

Imagine a brilliant merkaba within this triangle, spinning in attunement with the flames of Divine Love, Power and Will.

Acknowledge now, that your Chryst-alline Merkaba has now been activated and attuned with the 6th Dimensional Sirian Christed Masters.

See yourself being at One with Mother/Father God and all of humanity.

Thank them for the gift of your enlightenment, and travel in your Light Body on this golden pink frequency beam, back to Earth.

Slowly return back into your physical body, and see yourself as a fully realized Christed Being.